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Saturday 29 December 2007

Hackney Garden - An Introduction

Shot and cut this today. It's hardly Gardener's World, but it's nice to have a record of the starting point for project Hackney Garden.

I had particular fun with the subtitling. Started by downloading some freeware called DivXLand Media Subtitler, then I had to go off in search of a couple of codecs to give me the finished product. I can see myself having some fun with the subtitling from here on in, but for now this is probably (hopefully) the clumsiest and most humourless installment in this growing series.


posted by Dan Light  # 19:00
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Good to see some progress. You'll be so pleased to have this record when you finally bring the plan to fruition. Are you thinking of levelling the lawn? Will you not incorporate some of the nicer bricks in some way?
GL xx
there are a few bits and pieces we should be abe to re-use. On the whole though all we're digging out is manky old broken bricks and miscellaneous rubble.

In terms of levelling the lawn, I'm not 100% sure at this point. A lot depends on what we do with the wall and the steps at the front, and what kind of access we have to bring in and dispose of materials. Be nice to get it all level though.
Yes, I'm just thinking that if you go on digging out rubble at this rate you will effectively lower your ground level anyway. I am curious about the subterranean walls - Nick thinks old bomb shelter. You're into realms of archaeology! I note digging progress and veg. patch is now wall to wall!
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