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The occasional downtime of Daniel W. E. Light

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Wednesday 30 January 2008

Makin' pants

Another night of less than five hours sleep. Normally I can take one or two in my stride, but it feels like I've been doing them back to back for at least a couple of weeks, and it's definitely starting to take its toll.

The rididulous thing is, it's not even because of Ruby. She sleeps WAAAAAY better than I do; she's sleeping as well as you could hope for a newborn. The problem is fitting in all the other stuff. As well as working through a full roster of existing work we're pitching for multiple campaigns through Q1 and Q2 '08.

Now's the time to get the work in, if you want a nice busy summer. You can't just sit around until spring has sprung before you start asking after the tentpoles, not any more. Not when a stand-out online campaign needs to run for 2-3 months, rather than the traditional 2-3 weeks.

On top of the work, I've got a wife, two kids, a garden and a blog to look after. Or thereabouts. The reality is that Ems pretty much looks after me; she was back on her feet within about 15 minutes of Ruby's arrival, but that's just the way she's made. Lola is increasingly learning to look after herself (She just marched into the room wearing a pair of knickers back to front and proudly announced that "Lola makin' pants"). And my dad's brought some much needed backbone to the garden, as you'll see from the latest installment (below).

So, in amongst it all, I'm just about finding the time. It makes me realise that in this day and age, more than ever, time is of the essence. But that's for another time. For now it's just a case of don't worry, don't hurry, and don't forget to smell the flowers.


posted by Dan Light  # 01:36
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