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Thursday 21 February 2008

Nobody watches... nobody gets hurt (pt 2).

Please note: this post includes further graphical depictions of violence and torture.

So, where was I? Ah, yes, the point at which Vinvin Skyped me and asked us to kindly stop posting faux snuff movies into their fun-for-all-the-family video blogging community. He was very charming about it, as you would imagine a proud Frenchman to be, and was kind enough to compliment us on a job well done.

It's probably worth explaining at this point that this activity had been undertaken to promote a movie called UNTRACEABLE on behalf of Universal Pictures, a movie in which a serial killer creates an "untraceable" website where he conducts violent and painful murders LIVE on the net.

It transpired that one of the Seesmic moderators had taken rather fervent exception to the nature of the content we were posting, and was threatening to delete both the videos and the account. Whether this was because she thought she was witnessing a genuine electrocution - or because she considered our script and special effects to be criminally awful - is not yet clear. Whatever the case, the situation had quickly escalated to the point whereby they felt compelled to act.

We've since had a good natter, and have some plans for next week, the nature of which will become clear as they unfold. At their heart: a shared interest in trying to understand what you have to depict in order to cross the line. Perhaps the Seesmic community holds the answer.

In the mean time, here is the last of the (not so) live webisodes, posted here for posterity, on the back of an agreement not to pollute Seesmic with any more of our horrorshow filth:

posted by Dan Light  # 15:09
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