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Monday 8 September 2008

Screen/life balance

I found this great little animation on Paul Isakson's blog. I have no idea who he is, but I've seen his posts recommended on Twitter more than once, and I've always enjoyed them.

There's a sweet little website that goes with it encouraging you to 'send an intervention email to a screen addicted friend'.

It's actually a very gentle advertisement for a site called Meetup, which provides people with a few simple tools to help them form groups and arrange meetups around local common interests. Their mantra is use the Internet to get off the Internet. So, nothing oxymoronic about that then.

Seriously, the more I see a career in interactive media stretching out ahead of me, the more I find myself trying to find ways of working without a computer, dodging the increasingly frequent distractions of email and that distraction from distraction, Twitter.

I think maybe this is part of the reason I'm getting busy in the garden, taking the chance to be truly creative, and to produce a few of the indivisible raw materials of day-to-day subsistence.

I guess It's not so much about finding the right work/life balance, as finding the right screen/life balance.

Of course, I'm telling you this sitting here in front of the computer at eleven minutes past seven on a Tuesday morning, having already checked Twitter umpteen times and picked up my first wave of daily email. So, nothing oxymoronic about that then.

posted by Dan Light  # 22:54
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So you are talking about forming 'clubs', societies or more informal groups where I can meet people interested in the same thing as me - that's full circle if ever!
PS How about Hackney Gardeners?
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